1) Climb the rock
– I did get a group together to climb the rock, but unfortunately we were unable to climb it due to excessive winds.
2) Come out with 10 brand new ideas for my company that I CAN IMPLEMENT (in the trenches) in 2013
– This I didn’t achieve. I don’t know if I didn’t try and find the time, or if there just wasn’t room for it in the agenda. This is something I will need to work on this month. I want to reward my customers and my company with new ideas.
3) Begin a “think tank” with just a couple of the most engaged reps
– Lots of sharing ideas but no official think tank. More work to do here.
4) Speak to key leaders about what they think about the “new media marketing”
– Not a priority so I didn’t get it done. I currently have no ideas to take to key leaders either so I am looking forward to coming up with some in 2013
5) Gain sales tips and confidence in winning new business from the reps that have a proven track record in winning business
– This I did achieve and I am walking into territory with some new insight and ideas. I am now more confident in approaching new business acquisitions.
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