Lately I have been focusing on building my website In the last month I have increased my traffic by around 250%.
Building this site has been fun and has been a great adventure. It is very different to what I have done before for two reasons.
One because it is very ‘niche’. Other sites I have done are very broad but with this site I am sticking to positive cash flow properties only. This is something I have a great interest in and something I enjoy writing about.
Secondly, because I am building an Australian website and targeting Australian traffic. In the past I have mainly targeted worldwide traffic. So minimizing my reach to just Australia so that I can provide more value to my readers has been a challenge but has been fun.
My blog is still in it’s early days and I only have 17 active posts. However, I have been smart enough to start a list (using Aweber) from the beginning. I have around 400 subscribers to my list.
Here are the things I have done to increase my traffic by 250% in 30 days.
1. Become Active on My Site
I have started writing actively on my site. Although I can only manage to get a post out about once per week before that I wasn’t writing anything. I am focusing on writing long, quality articles that are 2,000 words plus that will drive search engine traffic for years to come
2. Target Keywords
I spent a few hours doing keyword research and I am writing posts that target specific keywords that I feel I can rank well for. In 30 days my search engine traffic has gone up from around 30 visitors per month to 90 visitors per month. My goal is to get over 100 visitors per month just from search engines by the end of the year. I am 3% of the way there
3. Being Active On Forums
This hasn’t actually been my goal, but I have naturally become more involved in the forums related to my site and this has driven more traffic to my site
4. Drive More Traffic From Your List
I updated my followup emails and included 3 more emails. Some of these emails link back to my site and encourage people to read my blog. I have also sent out a couple of emails show-casting my latest blog posts which has driven traffic back to my site.
5. Increased Pageviews
While my ‘unique’ visitors has gone up 250%, my monthly pageviews have gone up 365%. I added more content to my blog and I also added more pages. I added a book page, where I list the best positive property books, I added an archives page where people can see all my blog posts. I also added a calculators page (though I only have one calculator) that I plan to build up in the future. It seems the more quality content I add to my site the more people read…go figure.
So Have I Made Any Money?
While I am not focusing on making money at this stage (I am focusing on building the traffic to my site and the quality of my site) I have made around $2 from an affiliate sale selling books that I recommend. Not much, but seeing as I wasn’t trying to make any money this month I can’t complain.
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