Ryan McLean : Slightly Unconventional


Husband, Father, Speaker, Trainer, Salesman, Innovator.

I was trying to find a single story that could sum up the characteristics that people reading my ‘about’ page would be interested in.

HUSBAND – I got married when I was 20. Why? Because I always wanted to get married young and I found the girl of my dreams. Why bother searching for gold when you already have a diamond mine under your feet?

FATHER – My first daughter at 22, my son at 23, #3….we will have to wait and see. There is nothing I love more than to come home at night from a hard days work and be a father to my kids. Play time, train sets + bedtime stories.

SPEAKER – I love my job because I get to talk to people all day long. I will never pass up an opportunity to speak at work conferences, small group settings and family events.

TRAINER – In the pharmaceutical industry I have the opportunity to train staff in many business areas. Increasing substitution, growing Quit Smoking or Antihistamine sales. After 4 years in retail pharmacy I learned how to simplify the knowledge I needed to be most effective at my job. Luckily for me I get to pass that on. I love training in group settings (small or large) but my favourite training is 1 on 1.

SALESMAN – A lot of people see the term ‘salesman’ as a dirty word. I don’t. I sell what I believe in, I sell ideas and concepts, better ways of doing business to ensure the profitability of my customers and the sustainability of my industry. It is not the sell in but the sell through that matters. I love that one sentence I say can inspire the actions and results of an entire team and business.

INNOVATOR – Status what? When I dive into a task I want room to rise to the challenge. When I was hired as a ‘storeman’ for a compounding company I quickly found ways to improve order processes – saving the company $55,000 in 6 months and lowering out of stocks dramatically. In my current role I am always striving to learn and do better. I strive to find better ways of marketing, better ways to grow customer relationships and better ways to cultivate a culture of teamwork.

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